Thursday, August 20, 2009



Aaron said...

Lucas this is fascinating... did you create it?

Are you able to identify the two parts that make up this "Frish"? When I was a teenager I used to breed poison arrow frogs. The yellow head looks looks like a poison arrow frog named the Golden Poison Frog. Here are a few links that you may be interested in:

I wonder if the fish part could be something from the Amazon River.. what do you think?

I wonder how many other interesting adaptions you can find. You could create a new species every day...

thanks for sharing! aaron

Lucas said...

i did create it and thanx for the links

Aaron said...

Hi Lucas,

While I was at the American Natural Museum of Natural History in New York City today, they had a special exhibit on frogs called "A chorus of colours ".
Looking at the frogs and their environment reminded me of your "Frish"...

If you'd like to take a look here's the link.

How's school going?
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving weekend?
I bet you and Katherine helped your mom and dad in the kitchen!

Looking forward to see your next creation!